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Aout us and the story behind STEAME creation

Tamar Chess

Body and soul therapist , a one who believes in women's power and self connection in order to create a better world.
Since 2014 travels the world and explores connections between women in communities and different cultures around the world, studying and practicing different healing methods. 
a truth seeker  .
Believes in a free body ,mind and soul 


Elsa Douillard

Has been studying and integrating feminine practices from different traditional medicines and spiritual paths since 2016.


Today, she specializes as a feminine embodiment coach and a Yoni steam expert to help women heal their relationship to their femininity through their body and reconnect to their creativity.

Our Vision

we have both reached the steaming ritual through our own pain .Years of various female symptoms and discouragement in the gynecological field led us to discover this path and later on to create this home kit with the aim of making it accessible to anyone who needs it. We believe that through a true and correct connection to ourselves and with the help of nature, all pains can be healed. creating a world full if women that are connected to themselves , walking this earth with feminine power and strength 
the product is custom made in Israel 
While maintaining ecology and workers' rights, with an emphasis on high quality control and lots of love 

- each of us deserves the best -

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